Day 10 of Craft Advent! Yesterday I posted that it was Day 10 (there’s my numeric dyslexia shining through) but, needless to say, it wasn’t!! Apologies for the confusion…!
Today I have fastened Sinead from Crafty Fun Kids to the hot-seat. I got to know Sinead through our Facebook Weekly Art Challenge, and was very excited to see her new blog burst into being in October. Especially if you feel you aren’t the craftiest of people, this blog is for you: Crafty Fun Kids is full of really doable, fun and simple crafts for kiddies, especially in groups (really great for our house where there are different ages and abilities. And attention spans)
This tutorial was to be posted yesterday but became very temperamental in the sending; it’s such a cutie so I am very glad it eventually found it’s way (Liam found some giant pinecones during the summer, and has been waiting for the right opportunity to use them: he was very happy to see this tutorial!) Over to Sinead:
Many years ago,my daughter got a gift from a little boy in her class.
Two golden glittered pine cones to hang on the Christmas tree.
Such a sweet gift. We still hang them every year for the past 14 years.
Each year we make our own and we give them as presents to school friends.
Here’s how we do it:
What we use
Gold spray paint
Pine cones
Glitter and glue
Coloured elastic string or pipe cleaners
What we do
First I tie the string on to the top of the cone.
It’s really easy to get the string in between the pieces that stick out.
(What are they called?)
Next spray the cone all over.
(You could use paint but the spray is easier and less messy)
Shake the glitter on top.
Stick the sequins and beads on.
Sprinkle the cinnamon over.Now wait for them to dry and then they are ready to hang on the tree or give to friends.
This is lovely. I think even I could manage this. Great idea.
I love this idea so cute but so simple!
How lovely that this little gift is used again and again. This is a lovely, easy craft, I think I know what the grandparents will be getting from my children! (AND I think I know that everything thing in the house will be spray-painted in silver!!!!
I know, Joanna. I love taking out decorations year after year and talking about them and who made them etc. I love the cuteness of these!