Sacred Space

Inviting The Sacred

I saw a post from Flora Bowley on Facebook recently, advertising a Bloom True Boot Camp (#bloomtruebootcamp)This is a month long online “art camp” as such, in order to create “a bit of structure, inspiration, motivation and the powerful energy that is created when a group of people hold a similar intention and vision” (Flora Bowley) I had *no intention* of joining; was just merely idly checking it out. But the first days (today, 1st of September!) prompt+inspiration hooked me: invite the sacred. I had a half written blogpost about creating a sacred space I was planning on finishing and posting today, and here these words were, encouraging me, nudging me along, whispering to me to take part.

So here I am.

For the longest time, I’m talking years here, I have thought about putting together a space, like an altar of sorts, I suppose, that is out of reach of children. I’ve a few bits I’d like to be held in this energetic space, and somewhere I can light a candle (I like the practice of lighting candles for births, deaths, and any trying situation needing a little light) I frequently gathered things together in the kitchen, but they tended to be buried under a deluge of stuff, manhandled by chubby hands or sequestered to live in overcrowded doll houses with a lot of my other “treasures”… Sacred SpaceAnd now I have now found “a spot”: in my bedroom (I say “my” very loosely: there are always a few extra “bodies” bunking in, and it makes an excellent army base/fairy fort/underground catacomb… I keep reminding myself that this is only a phase: I’ll have my bedroom back before long!!) Please note that only this tiny part of my room features in these photographs, because, this tiny part is literally like an oasis amid the piles of stuff that need sorting/ giving away / packing away… One Of These Days.

We have a beautiful cast iron fireplace, original to the house; it’s high enough to keep little hands well away, and in retrospect, a perfect spot for my little spot, as I often l nurse Anna in the quiet and calm of our room during the day.

I have started gathering… I have a few more things I want to add, but for now:

www.TheNest.ieI have my gratitude journal here -which I’m trying to get into a better habit of using daily, not just sporadically!-; this book (Simple Abundance) which I have read backwards and forwards and still find something new and relevant every time; the flower wreath from my wedding; my lichen pendant, a lavender wand; a card my sister made when Anna was born; a felted angel; a crystal candle holder, amethyst pendulum crystal, and this ceramic “Slowing Time” sculpture:

Bell Pine Art FarmI *won* this (still can’t believe it, get a tingle of utter delight when I think about it!) this from Bell Pine Art Farm in Oregon, and, needless to say, I absolutely LOVE it: I love the detail, the shape; I love the feel of it in my hands, it’s gorgeous (do check them out here or on Facebook here: they make me want to sculpt in clay and create beautiful things!)

I feel this Art Boot Camp is going to be great. I’m hoping some of my Facebook Art Challenge group (The Nest’s Weekday Art Challenge) might join me for the ride, use this to prompt us, inspire us, encourage us. Fancy joining in? Check it out here, and why not join our merry group of artistic revellers over on Facebook here?!