Here it is, ta-dahhhhh!!!
The more I use it, the more I love it. I come into the kitchen and feel like dong a dance of delight when I see it.
(I think I need to get out more….. )

Well, here I am just about to make a complete liar out of myself after proclaiming no time in my last post... (we spend an inordinate amount of time wandering around the garden with Cutie Pie in the sling) Baby is in his Daddys arms, (it really is very difficult…
April 9, 2012
In "Cooking"

Cutie Kitchen
Our friend Henk (a.k.a. The Cabinetmaker) made a kitchen for Grace's birthday- it has been in constant use for the two weeks since (and not just our little girl...). I love it, I love that is is Irish, local, hand-made. I love the little details, and I love that there…
August 11, 2012
In "Celebrations"

Side Table Upcycle
A long time ago, at some auction or another, we picked up this little side table in a box of "stuff". We already have a sturdy nest of tables that we received as a wedding present so this little table was eventually relegated to the porch where it sat forlorn for…
February 10, 2013
In "Crafts"
I love it! What a great work space!
Oh I would so be dancing with you – with all that wood! envy is not pretty!
Your kitchen looks so lovely and warm and I don’t think I would ever leave!
the real thing is even nicer than the photo, can you imagine!!