Craft♥Advent, Day 11: Divine Hot Chocolate

Boy, do my boys love hot chocolate… Fresh from a bath, watching a film beside a roaring stove with a cup of hot chocolate is a form of pure bliss for them (throw in some hot fairycakes from the oven and they think I should be canonized) So this recipe is for them!

It is simplicity in itself; and inspired wholly by a gift of same my friend Erin gave us a couple of Christmas’ ago (but doctored somewhat because I am inately compelled to not leave alone)

Into a large jar,

(Erin used a pretty painted kilner jar, but I had none to hand, so used an empty, wide necked jar) I put:

1/4 cocoa

1/4 brown sugar

1/4 grated milk chocolate

Into the last 1/4, I filled the jar with marshmallows.

I scripted a lovely label, tied on with linen string and buttons.

I like to include an “Instructions to Make” bit also:

“Heat milk to near-boiling. Pour this over one teaspoon of hot chocolate powder per cup, until three-quarters-full. In a sealed container, shake some milk vigorously, and just before serving pour it into the cup of hot chocolate to create a frothy mass, top with some marshmallows and a sprinkle of chocolate powder”

This Christmas, I am robbing another idea from another friend Bernadette. In the past we have been delighted recipients of “Movie Night Boxes” (A lovely box filled with popcorn, drinks, jars of sweets and a voucher to rent a film dvd), so once again I am tweaking it, and will fill a box with hot chocolate, maybe p.j’s, hot water bottles, mugs and/or cookies as a “Night Before Christmas” Box. These “Box” ideas are an especially great gift in a family where there are a couple of kiddies, and can be changed to suit your pocket and availability of things.

More ideas tomorrow!