Another Guest Post today, this time, thanks to Helen from The Busy Mamas. I met Helen through the Irish Parenting Bloggers group, and have enjoyed a wonderful virtual friendship which has been soaked in much laughing, crafting and plans to run away together for a gin-filled, crocheting, laughfest of a weekend
I immensely look forward to Helen’s posts; naturally funny, and full of all the good things that I love: great food, inspiring crafts and tales of parenting some very oddly-named children…
{This post was previously published on Helen’s blog, but she kindly gave me permission to reproduce it here!} :
A few years back I bought a massive load of felt on Ebay for about 10c per A4 sized sheet. This felt is made from recycled plastics so there’s a feel good factor to using it – but then again it’s a little too coarse to use on anything you’d wear but is perfect for decorations. These two lovely garlands took just a few hours to make (happily plonked in front of the telly too) and just need a length of twine, felt, and a glue gun handy. They’re very pretty and will last year after year, even after the kids man-handle them.
15 – 20 sheets of A4 sized felt
A length of twine roughly twice as long as the desired length of Knotty Garland
Glue gun and sticks
To make:
Both garlands need fabric strips of the same length. To make these I chopped up strips of felt that were roughly 2.5cm wide and 10cm long. I say roughly as happily this isn’t an exercise in accuracy. I used up about fifteen or twenty A4 sheets for three garlands: the ‘Knotty’ Garland that’s about 1m long and two Loopy Garlands that are about 4m long each.
For the ‘Knotty’ Garland’, I took a length of twine about 1.5m long. I folded each felt strip in half and cut a small notch at the mid-point so the strip looks like a little tie. Then I just put it around the twine and tied a half knot. (I tried a few different ways including losing the notch and using a dot of glue but that didn’t give me the nice bunched look I was after).
As I went I just scrunched them together and it was done!
The ‘Loopy’ Garland’ is like the ones we used to make from newspaper in National School … a few years ago now! It was as easy as taking a strip, wrapping it around my fingers and putting a dab of glue with a glue gun and quickly folding it over. After the first one, you link each loop through the last and keep on going. Hey presto!
These a perfect to make with the kiddies – or like me with your inner child when the other monkeys have gone to bed. I reckon you could do both using different materials – like yarn for the Knotty one and fabric for the Loopy one so use up whatever you have handy.
Thank you Helen! I was thinking of all the bags of fabric scraps I have… knotting would be great practice in dexterity for small children.
((Wouldn’t it?!))
This tutorial was originally posted on in December 2013.
I find the gin is a great accompaniment to craft my friend!!
And how morto will you be when you realise they really are called Spidey, Yoda and Woodie!!
Lovely to pitch in to your crafty advent. More coming!!! Xx
Thank you SO much for taking part
I love these, I think I might get addicted to the knotting and have garlands the length of the house!
I’m checking out ebay tonight Joanna!
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