Blast! A week has passed already; through my fingers and wafted away. To be fair, Fergal is on holidays so we are being our usual exciting selves, and days are running into each other… running, speeding by, never enough time and every night we sit here wondering “how the heck is it suddenly 1am?”
The past week has been filled with visiting, making dolls, art, Fergal making dyes from vegetables and leaves, and we spent an inordinate amount of time eating. After making -and eating most of- the chocolate chip brioche bread that Helen from The Busy Mamas posted a recipe for last week, I had a yearning to start making more bread again (I go through phases). While we were in Galway, I picked up a book called Bread on The Table (my friend Deb did a great review here) in one of my favourite bookshops, Kennys. I highly recommend buying this beautiful book! The night I came home I made soda farls, they are supremely easy and quick and are now the boys favourite bread.
You simply throw together the ingredients for soda bread (recipe here), takes literally a couple of minutes to have a bowl of bread mixture; flatten it out into a round, approximately 2 inches high. Cut these into wedge like slices, then, in a dry frying or griddle pan, cook these on all sides. While hot, with a delicious crispy crust, cut lengthways and butter generously
I am slowly putting my cards into my Etsy shop, the angel cards are for sale here… more to come
My father, who is an extraordinary painter won an art competition recently (this is hilarious, because my parents are, and always were, completely anti-competitions, especially art competitions!!) He generously shared his prize voucher with myself and my sister, so I chose these Derwent Inktense Blocks: brilliantly coloured, watersoluable pastel-like blocks. I’m having great fun experimenting! Today, I did a little demonstration and photographed it in steps. Over the next day or two I’ll put it up here, and after much promising will run a giveaway too… so stay tuned!
Last year I made a little lilac Waldorf Snuggle doll for a very special little lady. Her name was Bluebell. Sadly, Bluebell, always one for an adventure, jumped out of the buggy one day and was nowhere to be found. I made another Bluebell, and, wrapped in a soft rosy flannel, “returned” home… Our own little chublet got her first little Waldorf dolly: Buttercup. Buttercup has a hat full of crinkly cellophane which makes chewing her all the more of a sensory delight!!
I think ye sound very exciting, what with exotic pursuits like home-made dyes, cool! Your little “chublet” (aw!!!) looks rightfully smug with her very own waldorf doll. I am excited about the tutorial and am very intrigued by those Inkstense (sp??) sticks. Well deserved congratulations to your dad who did with his prize what my dad would do!
Lovely post
I love the colours of the blocks so bright and vibrant! Your angel cards are just beautiful and how sweet is your little doll with her little Waldorf doll
lovely x
Thanks Sara
the blocks are DELICIOUS!!
I have to admit, after many years of talking about natural dyes, Fergal just *did it* ! Hoping to get the tutorial up asap…
What a lovely post. Each element lovelier than the last and ending with the sweetest little beauty! Gorgeous, as always xx
Oooh, you had me at the soda farls!! They’re on the list for a weekend brunch with a Gucky egg and a cuppa.
Perfect with a huggy egg. Oh dear, I should throw some together right now… Nom nom
Thank you my lovely
Oh! That is so sweet that you made your baby a doll, well two dolls really!
She has spent the day eating it Rebecca, mightn’t last long
Gorgeous post filled with little spoons of gorgeousness….you don’t so much write as paint a picture with words…love being invited into your world xx
Pingback: Inktense Blocks Painting Tutorial - and Giveaway! - The Nest
Congratulations to your pop on winning the art competition! And may he win more for being so generous with his winnings. The snuggle doll is just beautiful…she looks right at home
Yes, generosity breeds more generosity
thanks April!
Oh lovely! Every time I read any of your posts, I want to move to your house.
Oh, Office Mum, not if you saw how untidy it permanently is!! I think we are getting worse!!!
Pingback: Days (part 3): Athenry - The Nest