Today, the 6th of January, is known in Ireland as “Women’s Little Christmas” or “Nollaig na mBan”: traditionally the day where women could put their feet up and have a break after all the cooking and work of Christmas, and let the men do all the chores. I was talking to the children today and explaining about what it was and why it was called that. The boys were joking and saying that they would take over the cooking for the day (ha!) and be extra nice to me, when Grace paused from her window washing (!) and said “I’m a small little Woman too!”
I had planned on perhaps bringing Grace into town for tea and cake, but I was just too tired by the time Fergal came home, and the weather was simply appalling; so I made a little doll instead to mark her being “a small Little Woman”!
I made James one too and he watched me sewing with forensic intensity, making sure his green doll looked “happy” (the pressure) I have yet to make hats or wigs for them, because they were swiped from my hands as soon as the last thread was snipped, and he ran off in delight to give Grace hers (and came back a minute later looking for a “yourd” (sword) for his doll (sigh))
But I digress from the main point of this post. I was thinking of doing a giveaway before Christmas: I really appreciate every reader and every comment here; my Facebook “likes” were heading towards 400 (Facebook being a big driver of traffic to this wee blog), and then yesterday I spotted I had reached 400 likes without me even realising it! So, what with the day that is in it, and since I had planned on giving a “small little woman” away (one of my 4” Teeny-Tiny Waldorf dolls) it all seemed serendipitous
And here she is. A little 4” teeny tiny fairy doll. I put wire into her to give her some flexibility, but she is still very soft as it is well padded with soft new wool. Her hair is mohair yarn, tied in pigtails (bunches). She has a pair of red and white stripy tights, and two dresses: one white vintage-lined dress and a reversible cotton pinafore (which took far longer to make than the doll. I was having palpitations trying to finish it) Of course, she has little wings (decorated with a tiny red button) as she is A Real Fairy.
She is completely hand sewn- not a machine in sight!!- as are her clothes. If I figure out how to make little booties before the giveaway ends, I’ll add those in too. If the winner would prefer a boy fairy, I’ll try my hand at making him a pair of britches
Would you like a chance to win?! There are plenty of ways!
1- comment here
2- “like”, share and comment on my The Nest Facebook page
3- share this post on Twitter
4- share this post on Pinterest
… and let me know so I can add you in as many times as you comment and share
I’ll be using a random number generator and the closing date is Sunday 12th January, 2014. I am happy to post this Little One anywhere in the world!
She is beautiful and I would so love to win her as I can no longer have women’s little Christmas, except home alone here in England! Reuben loves the lentil stuffed doll I made him (mice ate the twin) and he got a big crocodile for Christmas I made from an old blanket fleece so I know teeny tiny fairy would be loved (don’t tell his mates!) miss you, miss your talents and inspirations and miss Ireland. xx
Emily – seeing as it’s my birthday and my Grace would just love a real fairy – I think you should pick me – no nepotism involved!
Ooh yes pls! Off to share…
Oh my, she is just lovely. Thank you for the chance.
Well done Grace for establishing her status as a ‘little woman’!! How intelligent she is! Great blog, well done Emily
Wow! That is a very generous and thoughtful giveaway
Lovely photos, what all us little ladies in my house would give for that doll
I didn’t know about today being Women’s Little Christmas, you learn something new everyday!! Thanks for the chance to win

Oh my god – she is adorable! Those little wings! Emily you are amazing.
Your talent knows no end Emily! Beautiful! I love her. Sharing on FB too! <3
Shared your beautiful giveaway on my facebook page.
Oh, she is just BEAUTIFUL!! We need a Woman’s Little Christmas in the US.
I liked your page on Facebook, commented and shared your giveaway post!
I tweeted!
And I pinned!
me please! I love her….
Thank you so much for a chance to win your beautiful fairy! I adore her and have two sweet girls would fall in love with her! so well done!
Ahhh what a precious wee thing! You’re so talented. What a treasure to win
Your dolls are so cute – they seem to ooze personality! Got your blog via your lovely sister Eithne.
Oh my goodness, she is the sweetest little woman ever!!!
She is a delight. You are quite talented. She would be well loved here.
She’s just beautiful Emily. X
Congrats on your 400 likes. I was out celebrating nollaig na mban so a wee small doll as a reminder would be lovely. I love her.
Oh gosh I actually felt maternal stirrings when I saw this wee fairy. I need her in my home to look down on us all!
She is a beautiful fairy, my three daughters adore fairies so I know she would love living with us. I love your blog and Facebook posts, they always inspire and are joyful. Thank you!
Emily, she is just beautiful! Actually everything about this post is just lovely. I love the photos, your ‘little woman’ Grace, the dolls you made for your littles and of course your generosity! Please put my name in the hat! (Shared on FB, Twitter and Pinterest too – I am determined to make her mine – ha!)
She is so adorable. If I won I don’t think I could part with her. Fantastic work.
Shared and tweeted, she is gorgeous, Emily. We had a ladies’ brunch at home yesterday, I had also been planning a little trip out for a scone and juice but the weather made me think again.
She is So GORGEOS Emily!!

I Would LOVE Her, I have lots of Fairy Books to read to Her
Those little Baby dolls are just so Cute!!
LOVE the Blog!!
Michelle xx
Shared her over on Pinterest as well, of course!
Me! Me! Juno would love that little woman. She is adorable!
We too had the Nollaig na mBan conversation yesterday and she decided when she is bigger we are going to have ‘a girls’day every 6th January’. Sweet!
F made dinner and I made a choc cake. All good!
So beautiful. I love the celebration of Nollaig na mBan. Had hoped to do something special with my dd yesterday but dd has a fever so cuddled up on the couch instead:-) Would adore this fairy:-)
Emily, she is just adorable. She would be the perfect little fairy doll for the top of our christmas tree next year. And for the rest of the year she could sit on the dash board of the car.
Oh they look gorgeous!
She is very beautiful. If i win her she can come live in our little fairy house and she can sleep on my little girl’s pillow.Thanks
Emily she is so so pretty, I would love to win her for myself not to mind my 2 year old!
Oh how beautiful, don’t know how you do it! I’m off to share every way I can think of as we really need a little fairy magic in this house at the moment so please put my name in the hat! x
She is beautiful!
Oh I love her, she is beautiful! Her hair is gorgeous in the pigtails. My baby boy has a fairy door in his room and I would love to put her standing next to it, she’d be a well loved little fairy!
I’ve liked and shared on Facebook as Fiona Naughton.
Pinned your picture and giveaway link on Pinterest –
Also shared on Twitter –
Thank you for the giveaway! xo
I follow your blog,and always love seeing those delightful dolls you make
since we don’t do facebook in this house,I’m happy a post comment will give me a chance.thanks Linda
These are just adorable!
I’m not surprised they are handsewn, so much easier than faffing about with the machine on something so small. They look amazing, love how arty your photography is too, really enchanting. I already follow on facebook and have shared the post
Oh I forgot to add in that I shared this give away on my blog too
because I really think she’s wanting to come live with us!