No, it is not a chocolate-cake-belly, but a baby-belly
We are so excited and looking forward to welcoming our sixth baby into our arms in the late spring 2014! I am slowly moving the house around, unearthing all the baby bits that I have resisted giving away… and adding bits to the stash… how tiny everything is…
Grace is thinking up of new names every day… our favourite so far is “Golden Flower with Golden Sprinkles”: sounds like a possibility..!!
More photos of dolls, crochet baby blankets, paintings and giveaways in the next few days!
Beautiful bump, beautiful news, welcome to Golden Flower
Congratulations! Can’t wait to (virtually) meet the new arrival!
Heartfelt congratulations xxx so exciting! I love how creative the name suggestions are
We met boy girl twins at group today. Two teeny tiny squishes that were no bigger than a child’s doll. On this earth four weeks but really it was their due date. The little one was a pink scrap that managed to reach out with her starfish hands and not only charm my four year old Liam, but awaken dormant and scary broody feelings inside me. I thought I was done with that! Emily, please, don’t do the same to me!
:O) I love your baby belly and LOVE that your other babies are old enough to be part of this journey! Continued good health and happiness to you!
what a lovely post to read tonight, so happy for you and your family – adore the name! (My third baby was due to be Rainbow if he was a girl and if his big sisters were allowed to name him). Enjoy this lovely time finding all the baby clothes and nesting (how apt
So so so happy for you all!
Congratulations to all at the Nest!!!!
Firstly public congrats.
Secondly the name is THE ONE!!!!
And thirdly, to Gwen in the comments – watch it, this pregnancy thing is catching as we’ve seen the past couple of months over at IPB central!!
Yay, congratulations!!
you are such a wonderful mommy! you are a rock start and inspiration!! many blessings
Oh my God, that’s wonderful news Emily! Congratulations!!!
xxx Much Love Halina
Fantastic news and love the name! My SIL was born, named Emily and then when her Dad came in the next day the three older kids at home had decided she was going to be called Diane after Superwoman! The name stuck!! Can’t beat democracy!! xx
Congratulations. I remember as the days of pregnancy came to an end I would just love to sit and look at all the baby clothes, imagining that bump wearing them.
Congrats!Lovely news and enjoy going through all the old tiny, tiny clothes!
apparently I have been lost and missed this announcement – saw a reference to it from todays post and had to find this!
happy happy from across the pond
many blessings for an uneventful waiting time