(First daffodils! And do you see that light on the table? Spring sun!!)
Last Monday I tripped on the stairs and ended up in Accident and Emergency for the evening. Never one to miss an opportunity to engage in some wholly inappropriate laughing, especially at oneself, this little jaunt gave me and my friend Bernadette (who had come in to keep me company while Fergal took care of the children, the kind soul she is) many opportunities to fall around the corridors laughing as several Mr. Bean-esque moments ensued (she swears she didn’t try to push open the double doors with my sore foot while I was in the wheelchair. I beg to differ)
So, for the past week I have been literally laid up, giving orders, feeling slightly demented with an extremely sore foot. X-rays taken showed no fracture, but by Thursday I was pretty sure I had a crack in a bone as the pain was exquisite and I couldn’t put my foot down, at all. I had taken Arnica all week which kept swelling and pain down, so on Thursday I started my homeopathic protocol for broken bones: I filled a dropper bottle with some water to which I added Calc Phos 6c, Silica 6c and Symphytum 6c. Interestingly, Symphytum is made from comfrey, who’s common name is knit-bone, and was historically used to knit bones together. By Thursday evening I could hobble around a little, so on Friday I took a few drops of the remedies every hour or so. By that evening I felt so well I decided I was cured! (Impatience being my middle name) I did plenty of hobbling, delightedly, until my foot ballooned up and became exceedingly painful (Fergal was off at a work do, and when the cat is away, etc etc) Anyway, in the heel of the hunt, by today my foot is much more improved, I’m being super-careful and only hobbling a little, keeping it up a good bit, taking my remedies, but feel I am well on the mend. Hurrah!!
And so my week filled with interesting realisations: when you are unable to move, you start playing with your food, arranging it nicely on your plate and table and photographing it …
I have also realised, very clearly, that our youngest two are like a demolition team, and without me wandering behind them picking up and putting away, the house quickly deteriorates (and I am appallingly untidy, so that is saying a lot) Thankfully, my older children and husband are really wonderful and they have kept it from degenerating into total squalor…
…That I can get some painting done with one foot in the air (whilst keeping the child, who has spent the week insisting I put my shoes on, away with my crutch),
painting this (above) as part of a BlogMarch I am taking part in (I’ll put the links below)
and working on these art dolls, which, like much of my artwork, these have been slowly worked on for the past year or so (I’ll give them a blogpost of their own soon)
I hope to be back on **schedule** (!) next week; whilst on sick-leave, I have been entertained and delighted with the BlogMarch posts from the other members of the Irish Parenting Bloggers Facebook group who are hosting a virtual baby shower for two of our crew. Do have a read through the links below, they are funny, poignant and brilliantly entertaining
12th Feb. Mind The Baby
13th Feb. Wonderful Wagon
14th Feb. That Curious Love Of Green
15th Feb. Debalicious
16th Feb. My Internal World
17th Feb. Awfully Chipper
18th Feb. Go Dad Go
19th Feb. The Dare Project
20th Feb. The Clothesline
21st Feb. Dreaming Aloud
22nd Feb Kate Takes 5
23rd Feb. Ouch My Fanny Hurts!!!
24th Feb. Pomp
Oh my, I am so glad to hear that you are doing better but how awful! I hate that split micro-second between losing my balance and hitting the floor when my brain is bargaining for a do-over. Your artwork is, as always, lovely. Can’t wait to see more.
I’m glad to know you’re getting better, it must be terrible not being able to move about as you normally do especially when you have small children. I love your paiting, it’s so beautiful that’s one of the skills I always wish I had but don’t, unfortunately.
Oh, Emily, I didn’t know! How awful, but how like you to laugh your way through it [most of the time, I’m sure-ouch!]…
Nothing like time out, though, for a different perspective.
Poor poor little you Emily : ( I hate nothing more than being laid up myself. You’re dolls look absolutely beautiful
Gail, I seem to regularly have that micro second before clonking myself…!!
Paula, thank you, I’m sure, if you gave yourself some time you would be brilliant at painting too!! Small children are indeed a major problem with not being able to move:especially when they are literally dragging elevated feet off the chair!!
Yes, Sophie, sadly my perspective has been of the skirting boards as I shuffle up the stairs (needs painting, quick!!) or looking at that one spot on the floor that never seems to get swept!!
Jane, thank you
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Oh, how awful! I’m glad Bernadette was there to keep you laughing. Glad your remedies are healing your foot.