I have a Pinterest obsession… One that could leave me trawling through beautiful pictures for many hours every day (I only allow myself a small time frame per day, otherwise I could quickly slip down the Pinterest rabbit-hole…) I am becoming super fast as flicking through and spotting all the things I like…
Like these:
how cute and how simple! My sister and her husband came for a visit on Friday and I sprinkled a few on top of the salad
(only a few, because, did you know the heart shaped carrots taste completely more delicious than plain carrots?? Necessitating the eating of a plate of Carrot hearts by a small girl…)
I’m feeling decidedly stodgy since Christmas and have been craving vegetables, lentils and salads. Fergal gave me the Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall Veg Everyday book: it is outstandingly good, the best veg book I have seen. And then I spotted this recipe on (cough cough) Pinterest for Black Lentil and Vegetable Pie (originally from Yummy Mummy Kitchen. Check out the link, her photos are simply gorgeous). I made it on Friday and it was a **hit** (Fergal, my reluctant-vegetable-eating-carnivore, loved it) I’m hoping to make Moroccan Squash and Bean Stew today from the HFW book, oh yum!
We spent the weekend chopping down Leylandii trees that were blocking all the light and sucking up the nutrients from the front garden. I should really say that it was actually Pat (the Bat-man) who did the chopping; on Saturday, I drank tea, made dolls and gossiped with Pat’s wife Tara; on Sunday, Pat came and did more chopping up and tidying, and Fergal and I spent the day in the garden: pruning, tidying, cutting back. It was a clear mild day, just lovely.
Our little Man-who-is-turning into-a-not-so-little-man, spent the day outside too, moving sticks and generally being just cute, while wearing the same boots that all our five children have worn
(I’m sentimental in my own way!!)
Aw. All the lovely things.
My little girl has not stopped talking about your little girl since your Solstice party!! Tell her she has a new fan