Yarn Along: Finished. At Last

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along… 

At last. I have finished the Baptismal shawl (for Sunday!!)

Whatever inspired me to decide to use 4ply cotton? Never again!!!

Even more pertinent: what the heck inspired me to crochet the shawl “in the round”?!

By the time I was thoroughly mentally finished crocheting it, it was just too small to use as a shawl to wrap around Baby, so some lateral thinking was needed. Fast.

I folded down one edge (using a measurement from one of his cardigans) to create a collar effect:

(I folded less than this once measured)

Then chose some small mother of pearl buttons to sew around the collar edge, and a vintage button at the neck:

The older brothers were not impressed with my central button choice, deeming it a “bit blingy”

(how shocking!! -I am possibly the least “blingy” person I know!! 🙂  )


But once all sewn together, it looked fine, and so we decided on a dress rehearsal:

Unfortunately, our little Bubble of Cuteness just loves to JUMP, and so four hundred photos (or so) later:

Quick jump break…

(Our little Chewy… one tooth has come through and fingers- any fingers in close proximity, his or ours- are chewed on. Oh, the razor sharp edge of baby teeth!!)

I dont have any photos of the pile of books I’m reading (concurrently, of course) hopefully I’ll be more organised next time. For now, I am unbelieveably relieved to have the shawl finished. Just a few more rounds for his cap (no doubt will be done Saturday night in my usual way 😉  )