We tried to buy a Christmas tree yesterday… there are very few (nice ones, anyway) because the Christmas Tree growers couldn’t get in to cut down the trees what with the weather, so we came home empty-handed. We decided to use one we had bought in a pot some years ago, which had subsequently lost all of its needles, and then, after a move to warmer climes in the back yard, re-grew them.
Well, most of them.
The royal “we” hauled in a very heavy tree (I supervised)
(He reckons he’ll need the price of 10 trees in chiropractic treatment)
After a day of acclimatising to the house, we began the decoration this evening. I had to try and swallow any attempt to banish the children and decorate it all myself, although I did decorate the mantlepiece without any small hands “helping” 🙂
It may be naked in places, lacking in a pointy-top and losing its needles at a rather alarming rate, but I defy anything that is wrapped in ribbon and bedecked in beautiful baubles to look anything other than gorgeous.
We decorated the stairway too- garlands, lights and candy canes! (Our smallest boy, Liam is keeping a count to make sure none of these are eaten before Christmas Day, so that his candy cane composition is kept in perfect order!)
On the mantlepiece I wrapped a garland in velvet roses and fairy lights. Recognise the decorated jam-jars?
These beautiful vintage Dutch dolls were gifted to me (I’ll detail more about them again, they deserve a blog post -or two- all of their own)
I think I am going to make little music notes for them to hold. I love these dolls, and the little ones were so excited
when they saw their sweet faces standing in the Christmas arrangement!
Oh, it’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas!!
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my favorite tree so far emily! i love it!
WOW, looks absolutly beautiful
Merry Christmas
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Beautiful! I let the boys decorate our tree, too. They started at the end of last week. Love all your Xmas/Advent posts. The new quote that I think will become my e-mail signature (;0) is that “i’m a fan of the long sentence.” as sophie’s husband refers to the both of you. oh, and liam’s quote that “a day in the life of a child is long.” is priceless.
Those are quotes which I think will stick with me forever, ha ha- Liam has quite a repetoire of quotes!! The tree is being added to on a daily basis- and not just the bits that Grace has nicked from its branches!!!