Time to Think

I’ve been more than a “bit” slack this week on the blogging front… My sister got married, which was, as expected, the usual three day feast!!… and Beloved Husband is on holidays and while that may indicate more time to do all those lovely things at leisure that I usually squeeze with difficulty, into a normal day, unfortunately that has not come to be… but instead we are doing other, different lovely things…

like holidaying beside the sea!!

( coming from a town in the midlands, I still get a bit giddy when I see the sea!!)

we stayed, literally, behind this wall overlooking the sea- I could even hear the waves when going asleep!

Blue skies the whole time- we are truly blessed…

Plenty of writing and drawing in the sand…

collecting shells and making sand villages…

looking for little creatures in the rock pools…

watching the sun go down under beautiful skies…

And our smallest one, overcame her fear of the water, and let her biggest brother show her how much fun waves can be… 


And in the middle of all this, I’m doing a little bit of painting, a bit of crochet on the journeys, and a lot of thinking…

we are making some pretty huge changes to our Nest, moving in new, very exciting directions… Planning a major sale in the next month to make lots of space for our new ideas… Exciting times ahead!