I made pizza for lunch today, something, since I have found this recipe, I’m doing with increased regularity. Unlike the “normal” pizza dough, which takes too long and is a bit faffy for me, this one is simplicity itself; takes a couple of minutes at most to come together and it’s in the oven not long after that.

And best of all it only takes two ingredients! That’s right! Two : Full-fat Greek yogurt and Self-Raising Flour.

The quantity of flour is dependent on the yogurt, but it’s around the same amount. You’ll have to eye-ball it a bit.
So, for two large pizzas and a small one for me, I scooped 500g of Greek yogurt into a baking bowl. To this, I added approximately the same amount of flour, mixing with a fork. I gradually added small amounts of flour until the mixture came together as a smooth ball of dough.
Onto your floured tray, divide it roughly in half and with your fingers push out the dough to cover the tray.
Cover with toppings of choice.

Now! Can I just mention here: I have found a really marvellous, tasty pizza-topping option. When I make a Bolognese, I freeze a portion. Then, when I make pizza, I defrost this portion, add a bit of passata to it, and there you go: an incredibly tasty sauce. Today, I grated some chorizo into the sauce for the meat-eaters too.
Sprinkle with cheese and bake in a hot oven for about 10 minutes.

Last night I made a bean stew and herb smash for myself, courtesy of Anna Jones; you can find it here (while you are there, sign up for the weekly newsletters, full of great recipes and interesting stuff). It was exceedingly good! And that herb smash! So tasty, I’ve been having sneaky spoons all day.
For my veggie pizza, I covered my pizza dough portion with bean stew, dotted some herb smash and purple-sprouting broccoli before sprinkling with a little cheese. It was SO GOOD. So very good!