Work I’ve been doing…

I had a nice wee blog holiday over the past couple of weeks. I was completely uninspired to do anything with any machine that had an electrical charge thanks to an unfortunate habit of breaking such things, especially when there is strange planetary stuff going on and full moons and the like. But I have a few plans for posts, photos taken and uploaded, so now all I need is the headspace to write 🙂

Anyway, here is some of the work I’ve been doing over the past month whilst hiding from anything electrical:

This is an Art Doll idea:blog june art

This is mixed media (Caran d’ache watersoluble crayons, acrylic, inks):
blog june art2

This painting started as this (after a few painting sessions!):
blog june art4

And turned into this (not sure what I think of this, really):
blog june art3

And this was this until I chopped it up:
blog june art6

And “chopped”!:
blog june art5

And finally… Cordelia, this Art Doll that I was working on. I didn’t know where to go next with her, but had a moment of inspiration this week! I think I’m finished:
blog june art7

I’m exhibiting in the annual Athy art exhibition at the end of this month, I just need to decide what I’m putting in. Ah! Decisions, decisions!