On Tuesday last, we had the pleasure of being invited to the opening of an exhibition of Anne Towers’ Artwork in Eyrecourt Library (Co. Galway) as part of the East Galway Library Art Trail. I have long-loved Anne’s work, and bought a piece of her ceramic work years ago (which is much loved and still called “Anne Towers Plate” in our house) This exhibition had mostly paintings, with a few ceramic pieces too. It was a wonderful night, as I think all exhibition opening nights are: good company, outstanding visuals, and usually nibbles and drinkies too!(Anne on the left, and fellow artist and guest-speaker, Ness Kelly on the right)
Fergal and I buy a lot of art. We find it hard to pass by an art gallery, art show, local exhibition, fair… our poor children!! Our excuse is that we are hoping to emulate this couple by channeling our Inner Vogel Most of what we buy isn’t particularly expensive; and buying art doesn’t need to be. This time of year, and over the next couple of months is a super time to find affordable, wonderful art. Art colleges, local art groups and fairs all have exhibitions from now on, and a lot of it is reasonable, thought-provoking and accessible. Our homes, growing up, were filled with original art: Fergal’s mother and my father are both painters. I really do believe this has, in the most subliminal of ways, encouraged us to fill our home with an ever-expanding gallery of original art and craft-work, and inspired us and our children to explore our artistic passions with great delight.
Paintings, sculptures, ceramics, basket-making, textile art, limited edition prints- I could go on and on. As a present, nothing can really beat a piece of art or craft work, and especially as a present to oneself, it is indeed an act of self-love (to this end, I bought myself a painting as my birthday present this year, tee hee)
So: BUY MORE ART. Buy what speaks to you: we always buy what we like. It brings an unquantifiable energy and joy to a home. I’d rather go without new clothes or holidays or nights out and be surrounded with artworks of beauty and memories.
Oh, and check out my Pinterest boards for a feast for the eyes (I do love Pinterest)(The photos above are ones I took on the way home: East Galway is very scenic, especially many of the small towns and villages that were once prosperous and bustling. The skies were particularly beautiful that night. When we got back to Ballinasloe the boys cajoled us into going for a bag of chips as a treat (we are such pushovers). While we waited, I took a photo of the magnificent Magnolia tree by the civic offices: it reminded me of a year ago when we were heading into the hospital to have Anna, the place was in full Magnolia bloom, probably my favourite tree, and such a lovely time of year to be born into this world!)
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It sounds like such an extravagant thing to do, buying art. But compared to what some people spend on handbags or TVs, it really is not extravagant.
I like nothing more than a handmade present, made or bought by the giver. But sadly not everyone is appreciative of arts and crafts.
That’s exactly it, Fionnuala. And so much of it is really quite affordable… and better value than a handbag or new shoes!!