Craft Advent 1: Chalkboard Tag Advent Calendar

The first of December. It takes so long to get here, edging along slowly through October until about halfway through November and then, boom! It’s December the first. A couple of years ago, two years running, I ran a Craft Advent on this little blog of mine, where I posted every day through Advent (although, officially Advent started yesterday, the first Sunday of Advent. Anyway!) This year I am doing so again, but throughout December you will also be delighted with guest posts from some of my favourite bloggers who endlessly inspire me: Sadhbh from Where Wishes Come From, Helen from The Busy Mamas, Eithne from Cardroom Delights, Christine from Awfully Chipper, Jane from That Curious Love of Green and Sinead from Crafty Fun kids, Naomi from Dr How’s Science Wows and Jill from Properfud.

This is going to be SO EXCITING!!!

So to start us off, I have a simple Advent Calendar idea. I designed “chalkboard tags” as a **free** printable!free advent tag printable All you have to do is download here: Advent 1 Tags; print on white card, and cut out each tag. With a hole punch, punch a hole in the top where there is a white mark. Then, with some ribbon, string each tag.

On the back of each of ours, I plan to write a prompt, or a treat for the day (ideas: make cookies, post a hug, have a Christmas movie night, have a board game night etc. It can be really, really simple; they are usually most fun!) I’m not sure about your house, but plans change fairly quickly here, so I intend to write the prompts/treats the night before when I’m fairly sure of what will be happening the following day, rather than write them all on the 1st of December and have disappointed/frustrated children (and demented mammy) when the plans that were made weeks before don’t pan out on the given day…advent 1-2Hang either off your tree, or like a bunting, or as a branch as we have done here.
Enjoy the excitement and anticipation on small ones faces 🙂

(I had just finished photographing and was putting away the camera, delighted I had the  tutorial completed and decorated, photographs taken; when a small blonde boy dragged over a chair and began to re-decorate…

I weep for our Christmas tree…)advent 1 James