My sister, Eithne, came up to visit on Thursday with her two little ones (three and a half and one and a half). Fergal and I had a wedding to go to on Friday (and what a great wedding, we had such a lovely time. Jean, the beautiful bride was very relaxed, food was lovely and the company entertaining!) and Eithne stayed here with our little (and not so little) ones. Naturally I was having a mini freak-out that James might decide to make life very difficult for all concerned, (as if he was going to change personality while we were gone or something…!!) but he was perfect and we came home to a sleeping baby and smallies who were exhausted but didn’t want to go to bed “just yet”!
Oh it was so lovely having my sister here; I have three, (and five brothers) and we are all hilariously different and in our advancing years, get on so well (our fights could be spectacular too: although in our approaching-old-age-states we haven’t had a good shouting match for years) Usually, when I go “home” to my home place Eithne and I have conversations that are more akin to snatched sentences here and there as one or both of us are running after small ones and so this weekend was all the more sweet as we had plenty of:
…while the small ones played around us, and often on top of us; and when they were all in bed (late, every night) we stayed up (even later) and talked and talked and talked. You know how, sometimes when you have a deep conversation with someone, you learn not only so much more about them, but about yourself too? It is like you start adjusting the parameters of who you are.
Eithne blogs at Cardroom Delights, and makes the most beautiful cards, full of pattern, embossing and colour. This is one she made for my birthday (and in the picture you can see one of the three jars of dandelions: the little girls picked many hand-and pocket-fuls).
I am so blessed to have my sisters, and I actually think I am appreciating them all the more the older I get. We are like a slow cooked stew… We are getting more fragrantly delicious together the more we age
Love it – sister stew!!!! The perfect description and by god you are one talented family. Another blog to cast my eye upon!
Thanks Gwen!! Eithnes blog is just lovely… Someday I am going to raid her stash of crafty Bits, har har
That was the sweetest ode to your sisters. I have a step-sister that I use to be close to but for the most part, I’ve never had the sister bond. You are blessed!
I’m the onion in the stew. Spicy and with many layers. Hehe.
Love it Olivia!
How lovely. I have 3 sisters too and I think you’re so right about how the conversations can teach you something about yourself.
Olivia, yes the onion would be very appropriate… Or a chilli, ha ha
Sounds heavenly! Nothing like a sister stew four girls in my own one and I love those late night chats : )
Had a truly wonderful visit, especially eating the scones and other stuff with coffees!
Can’t wait for the next trip over!
By the way, I’ve just installed a new lock on my cardroom door Em