Heart and Angel

Here are some photos of what’s being created around here…all with a purpose I might add!

(the three hearts in the middle are mine, the one to the right and one to the left are Liams)

A couple of months ago (how did those few weeks become months?!) I started a new website, Heart and Angel, with a blog and a wee shop for my paintings, journals and cards.

(More angel art dolls… these are taking a life of their own 🙂 )

The whole conception of it is documented here on that blog, and now at last it is starting to come into sight… I have two journals in the shop, and due to technical difficulties with the photographing the paintings, I haven’t been able to send them to print. But my brother is coming up here this weekend and is going to help me (thank you, grovel, grovel)

(All the children in the house join in!!!! (Note to self: put the painting box AWAY!!) )

Please do check out Heart and Angel here, and if you are on Facebook, please come over and “like” it: Heart and Angel has only one “like” so far… Me!… (pathetic, I know)