We extracted the first ten frames of honey from the beehives yesterday… we hope to get another ten or so in a couple of weeks.
A friend of ours helps us with the hives, and he arrived in unannounced to extract.. so I had no time to prepare for the glut of heavy, oozing frames that arrived into the kitchen:
A cut comb: look at all the glistening honey!
There is dripping honey e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e
(ahhhhhhh- I have spent the week trying to get the house back to being habitable, and then this!!!!)
but my children are eating it, one sticky honey finger at a time.
I am potting it up- I don’t have an extractor yet, so any of the frames that are oozing (most of the frames are “capped” with wax, but some have been nicked in transition and are leaving a trail everywhere) I am cutting into chunks and putting into sterilised jars.
Pure, precious liquid gold.
How lovely — but nothing leaves quite as sticky a mess as honey! Good luck un-stickifying your home! 🙂
oh my , that looks wonderful!! especially the Jar full of a honey comb! mmm.
That looks so delicious and sticky. We’re great lovers of honey in this house especially my son who since he was very young sweetens his milk with a teaspoon of honey and there’s nothing better than a slice of homemade bread toasted and then spread with butter and a good drizzle of honey. Yummy!
yum yum yum, that looks absolutely wonderfull and delicious!, enjoy this gold!! and don`t forget to brush ur teeth!! xx