
I’ve been doing a bit of housekeeping here on the blog- moving things around, needing to add more links, etc. Today I spent 3 hours (in a state of utter frustration and near-alopecia as a result of same) trying to make a blog button, and ta-dah!!! (as all the with-it bloggers say these days):

Here, is a blog button. Feel my blood, sweat and tears as you look at it… (I think I need a stint on the stage) and feel free to “take” it for your blog; (html at the end of this post: you paste this into your widget section (or at least thats what I do in WordPress)to create the button on your blog)

for this Advent I am hosting a

Craft♥Advent” linky-party!

The idea is that as many as possible bloggers will add their tuppenny piece: a Christmas craft idea, recipe or tutorial and link it back here (there will be a page on the right with all the links) I will be posting a craft tutorial each day of Advent to bring us up to Christmas day: lots and lots of ideas for festive homemaking and making gifts for you and loved ones, and giveaways too!

(I have actually started compiling posts so I am ultra-organised; really, there must be a blue moon out!!)

So! Will you join me?

Lets make this a great party!!

html code for button:

<a href=”♥advent-linky-page-3/”><img src=>