Cushions for Granny Beedie

Today (at last) I finished the cushions for Granny Beedie (to my shame, they are her Christmas present)

(Granny Beedie, incidently, is not our Granny, or any actual relation, but the Granny of friends of ours, so we have kind of, adopted her)

She bought a small patchwork quilted quilt from me about 2 years ago, and since then I have been planning to make these matching cushions for her.

They were last years Christmas present originally. Then, an Easter present. A birthday present, and now, a belated Christmas present (although, going by previous performances, this is me at my most incredibly organised, considering that Christmas season is not yet over)

I learned many things during this exercise:

1- sewing cushions is not one of my *great talents*

2- quilting is also, not one of my great talents.

3- I should always make major seam allowances: when I start off with a square measuring 22″ x 22″, bizarrely it turns into a 17″ x 18″ rectangle instead of the neat 20″ x 20″ square (I’m relying on Granny Beedie not being a sewing fascist here)

4- that ironing in between sewing is a help, not a hindrance to dement me and make it take longer

5- Also, bizarrely, sewing dolls with their funny seams and no straight sides are more fun (I can hide any mistakes easier??)

But, anyway, thankfully, they are done, I’m quite happy with them (despite that the cushion pads are much larger, as the cushions, too, were originally anticipated much larger too…) 

I hope she likes them! (and doesn’t keep them hidden in the suitcase under her bed waiting for a “good occasion”!! Granny Beedie, we know all about that suitcase!!!)