Fergal finished work today for the holidays, so it really feels like Christmas now…
We were doing some Christmas visits today- so baked this morning- mince pies (they overflowed with sweet stickiness in the oven!) and jars of mincemeat,

and gorgeous light, thin vanilla shortbread cookies:

We finished some presents we have been making over the past few weeks,

then headed of a short distance away (at a speedy 15km/hr!!) to deliver our goodies with this beautiful sky before us:

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, our children are beside themselves with excitement, and their parents aren’t too far behind them in the giddy states! Have to spend the night wrapping, wrapping, wrapping, before we start into the serious Christmas day preparation tomorrow…
Oh, I cannot wait!!

I love mince pies- made with fragrant home-made mincemeat, buttery pastry, smothered in cream or ice-cream with pots of tea is my idea of Christmas bliss... But the making of mince-pies is very fiddly and not being the most precise of people, I have decided upon a faster pie-method. Mincemeat "Parcels"…
December 23, 2011
In "Advent"

I posted a link yesterday for the cupcake/fairycake recipe- this recipe is endlessly useful, and usually when I make a batch I make enough to bake something extra too. Today I'm making Mincemeat Fairycakes, tomorrow I'll post a great recipe for Raspberry & Chocolate Cake. Whilst you should probably have…
December 7, 2011
In "Advent"

So, the Wee One and I decided that it was time to make some mincemeat, as Christmas is fast approaching. Every year we make mountains of the stuff, and eat mince pies for weeks before, and weeks after. I use a Darina Allen recipe, although, me being me, I have…
November 13, 2010
In "Christmas"
Beautiful photograph! have just discovered your blog and absolutely love it. Hope you and your family have a magical Christmas.
Thank you so much Martina, and wishing you and yours a blessed and peaceful Christmas too! We are just getting carrots ready here for Rudolph, the excitement, oh the excitement!!
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