Reasons for Cake (Simple and delicious Victoria Sponge Recipe)

Reasons for Cake (Simple and delicious Victoria Sponge Recipe)

Victoria sponge RecipeReally, do you need reasons? No, I didn’t think so (even though, I have right now, many reasons, and hovering right at the top is that last night, for the first time in weeks, no one, –not even one person!– woke coughing/vomiting/nightmares/feeling sick. I had more than an hour unbroken sleep! Wah-hey-hey!!)

Yesterday, there was a whole conversation about this cake yesterday on t’interwebs. Maud from Awfully Chipper made it (looked delish), Laura from Raising Elves was making it for a birthday and Deb from FatDebSlim said it was divine and she always uses this recipe (Darn, I should have got the exact quote. Let you take my paraphrasing and know that, if Deb says it is divine, and is her go-to cake, well, then it is frankly a-mazing. Deb knows her stuff)

(I had published it before on the now-deceased site, so thought, since I make it several times a week and it really is my own go-to recipe, I should post it here (I really am shocked I’ve never posted the recipe here yet))Victoria sponge Recipe

And so I made this cake today… and 3 dozen buns: when I was baking the cake, James, who has been really unwell and eating nothing, did a happy dance in excitement that I was making “t’oclate buns!”. So I hastily had to fire together another batch of this recipe. Which really illustrates a point I hoped to make: this is an exceptionally easy cake, that has never yet failed me, tastes so sweet and delicious and the recipe can be used in many different ways.Victoria sponge Recipe

I usually make a cake/flan and a couple of trays of buns (see here). Today, I poured the batter into three 7″ cake tins and baked until golden. I let them cool in the tins for around ten minutes then cool completely out of their tins on a wire rack.Victoria sponge Recipe

On a beautiful daffodil-filled day of spring, a cake like this is always warranted 🙂

Victoria Sponge mixture

(makes up into a batter-like consistency)

225g self-raising flour
225g caster sugar
225g butter (I use real butter; I cannot bring myself to use margarine)
4 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional- but adds a delicious something)

Preheat the oven to 160C.

Melt the butter gently in a small saucepan.

Put the flour, sugar, eggs, baking powder, and vanilla essence (if using) into the food processor.

Whizz up for about 20 seconds. Whizz it gently further, pouring in the melted butter in a steady stream until completely blended.

Pour into prepared cake tins (greased and lined with baking paper) I used three 7″ tins today, but usually use two 8″ tins.


Bake for approximately 15-18 minutes for cakes, 10-12 minutes to buns/fairycakes.
