Beautiful Blankets and Delightful Dolls

My mother still has a crochet blanket that was made for me when I was a baby- cream with coloured rose flower motifs. It was simply beautiful, in a way that crochet blankets are by their being.PICT0056

This week I eventually uploaded the photos of the blankets we have in our shop (steep learning curve every time something goes “wrong”!!) as well as one or two doll ones that wouldn’t upload. I still have cushions, corsages and some GORGEOUS wooden toys- a motorhome, 4 x4 Jeep and red sportscar- I’ll try to get them up tonight. PICT0060

I’m in the middle of finishing a doll for Jenny-from-Kildare, so I’m off to immerse myself in wool and body-parts!! Check out our blankets in the “handmade@theNest” section, simply lovely.

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